So yes, your eyes do not deceive you - we have ventured away from stripes and plaids for a millisecond and finally given in to the calls for that mighty beast to appear on Me & Henry clothing..the dinosaur.
Now don't get me wrong I personally LOVE dinosaurs - to be honest a little obsessed when I give myself too much time to read about them…but when I started Me & Henry 5 years ago it was in my mind a great opportunity to create a collection of boys clothes that wasn't just the norm…so no football, no Disney cartoon characters, minimal words, very little print and absolutely no dinosaurs….because everyone does them right?
BUT….I like to feel I listen to customers and stores and quite frankly if I love dinos then why am I denying everyone the chance to have a Me & Henry tee with a dinosaur on?
So there we have it - a little chunk of commercialism within the new Fall collection thats shipping right now - but I hope you agree its done in a nice way and we even have printed woven shirts….if you EVER needed a sneaky way to get your little lad into a shirt to look smart…this might be it!

It also gave me a great opportunity to anchor this seasons new free book around the wonderful world of dinosaurs too. 100 pages of fun facts as Me & Henry take a magical time travelling tour back to the earth as the continents were forming, what came before the dinos (huge bugs!!!), what happened to the dinosaurs and how are fossils formed and who digs them up!

I had incredible fun writing it, its factually correct and instead of focusing on the well known names I decided to take a tour around the world, continent by continent exploring the lesser known dinosaurs , so the T Rex equivalent of China or the Diplodocus of Africa! I guarantee as an adult you will love reading it as much as your child…I mean who even KNEW there were such things as polar dinosaurs that lived on the poles and endured the snow?

Before plunging in and giving in to the world of dinos I did do some research and it really does seem that it's a near universal rule…kids LOVE dinosaurs.
If you weren't obsessed as a kid you undoubtedly knew someone that was. Kids of a very young age can rattle off quite long scientific names of dozens, sometimes hundreds of dinos. They can tell you what they ate, what they looked like and where they lived. They even seem to know the difference between the Mesozoic era and Cretaceous period. Their level of expertise is actually astounding when you compare it to most adults who can probably name ten at best!
Actual scientific studies have been carried out on what is called ‘intense interest’ that children display in things.
Apparently at least a third of all children between 2 and 6yrs old find an intense interest and while studies have shown for boys the most common interest is vehicles (planes, trains, cars…yes….wait for it…you might guess what next seasons theme is going to be…) the next most popular intense interest is dinosaurs!
And it hasn't changed over the years - the only big difference is the amount of dinosaurs that are known about now compared to when I was a child 40+ years ago. In 2016 alone, 30 new dinos were discovered and more every year are dug up and named MUCH to the excitement of every child!
Intense interests are a big confidence booster for children and it actually makes them feel all knowing and powerful over an adult and if you as a parent nurture it, then it apparently develops increased knowledge, persistence and a better attention span in older children - in short it makes them better learners and smarter kids!
For me, my intense interest in dinosaurs reared its hilarious head recently when we went to St George in Utah for a photoshoot and I discovered they have dinosaur trails with actual footprints you can walk in and follow…everywhere!
They have dinosaur museums and so much empty space... meaning at any point you are bound to discover a fossil….ok maybe not…but that's what dinos do to you….so how can I deny little lads the joy of a dino tee when at 51 I want one too…
The amazing St George Dinosaur Discovery Site in Johnson Farm, Utah. be sure to visit!

Buy the collection HERE

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